I can appreciate how the app scienceJournal can be implemented in place-based science learning in intermediate and middle school classrooms to augment learning of sensory information such as sound, motion, & light. I am drawn to the Sound safari exploration as I believe it would be perfect for grade 4/5 as it links to human anatomy in the BC science curriculum. It provides cross curricular learning in tech, science, math (graphs, comparing values. etc..), as well as supporting the development of various core competencies such as collaborative learning, planning, & critical thinking. A few drawbacks are availability of tech, safety of the tech being taken on a walk, and teacher familiarity with the program.
Joanna Lake gave a great lecture on using tech in the classroom which went from using tech for assessment, including doing mood scales at the start of the day as seen below with answers recorded on flip grid I think (Where’s Nutmeg?) to helping students stay on track with daily agenda reminders (see below).
List of ways to use tech in the classroom to augment learning as suggested by Joanna Lake:
- mood scales
- feel good Fridays (write each other notes)
- memes
- start the day with watching a funny video
- joke of the day
- take attendance with “would you rather”
- class playlist
- visual schedules
- co-creating rubrics
- student video entries for projects on flip grid
- side by side text writing with mentor text available
- digital portfolios
Many of these suggestions help build community and trust in the classroom as well as acting as forms of tangible assessment.
I think I will try tech as my first morning communication with the class as they get settled and see how it goes. Flipgrid sounds cool and allows for inclusion of diverse learners.
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