Sorry folks you’re going to have to wait till next week to find out the fate of the poor rusty nib… I know I can hear your groans and whimpering….Sorry But…

As it turns out I had to devote myself to some family time and cuddle time with furry little cuties in order to restore some balance. And everyone loves a celebrity, so here she is: Nutmeg!!!!!!!

Cutie Patootie “Nutmeg”
Little Sister “Coconut” going in for the lettuce steal

A huge shout out to Guinea Pig Owner and Trainer Extraordinaire Kylee. Check out Her Adventures with nutmeg here. Thank you so much for inviting us to spend time with these cuties. Also praises for my calm kids who were so respectful to these cute little creatures.

Onto a little tech now. I created an animated video last semester using powtoon for my inquiry on restitution as an approach to discipline in education. It was a steep steep steep learning curve and I’m glad I got some help from Coleen. It’s actually pretty user friendly once you get into it but as in any free app like that you are limited on the free templates but see what I was able to do for free. Here it is: