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BC Ed Access for Advocacy and Reflection on Accessibility

Tracey Humphreys of BCEDAccess was the guest speaker today sharing her knowledge of assistive technology in the classroom with a focus on advocacy for change.

Photo of two educators with a laptop collaborating on technology accessibility in the classroom
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

I didn’t know much before about digital accessibility except the addition of subtitles to videos and translation including ASL video in video. I hadn’t considered contrast or describing photos which makes me wonder what else I haven’t considered.

The website Wave – is a web accessibility evaluation tool which provides a breakdown of accessibilty features and shortcomings of chosen online content. See the photo below for a numeracy education website for kids which I assessed using Wave.

And another for an educational video that shows evaluation of contrast:

screenshot of edited with wave

I know I have often missed adding Headings as I didn’t know how as well as subtitles and I didn’t consider contrast.

I think many accessibility features are unused because they are unknown and take extra time to include. I bet that often it is assumed that the added accessibility features will only help a few viewers so it’s not worth it; however, these features often help everyone.

A video from BCEDAccess website focusing on inclusive education in BC

I added some accessibility features to my blog post including headings and subtitles on this screencast I did.

1 Comment

  1. ia5ew

    Hey Elizabeth! I really enjoyed the video about accessibility that you embedded into this post. I found it really interesting and it had several points which I did not consider. It just makes you think of what else you arent considering when it comes to accessibility for students. I am excited to keep pursuing these topics through our courses and I am sure you are too. I hope you’re having a good day!

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