Word press set up took the scenic route for me but it was great because I enjoyed the scenery and learned a lot. I am new to social media and blogging so am excited and apprehensive but am so grateful to be at this point.

I’m still uncertain about what all the safety settings mean and what the ramifications are of some of the choices but look forward to learning more about this important topic.
Blogs for pedagogy:
Useful for showing learning as a portfolio or creating class experience blog for families maybe instead of say fresh grade. Can also allow students to create a more interactive project with photo and video links rather than a powerpoint perhaps.
Also useful for students to engage in tech learning that will help them become more tech literate, so benefits to show learning and build skills including traditional and tech literacy.
Potential uses of blogs at grade 4/5/6 would be for:
- Art portfolios
- Student literacy circle posts including written summaries, videos, posting questions and links to related reading.
- Student created gym games or other activities
- Record of class activities such as makerspace projects.
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